Sunday, March 28, 2010

It's spring...I think...

Spring has come early to Marquette Michigan and I absolutely love it. I have been going on walks through Presque Isle Park every day. Taking a walk outside while the sun is shining, and the robins are singing is one of my most enjoyable pastimes. The same goes for my walks in Houghton. I recently found this beautiful cedar swamp that looks unexplored. It seems like it has a lot of potential for some good plant diversity. I can’t wait for more of the spring flora to start growing. There is a strong chance that I will find some lady slipper orchids in this cedar swamp! When and if I find some of these orchids, I will post pictures of them on my blog.

Anyways, I took some pictures of what I thought portray an early Michigan spring.

(Picture 1) In the spring, my family mixes grass clipping and compost remains into our garden. It doesn’t really look that nice, but the compost really helps the vegetables grow.

(Picture 2) When the snow melts, it’s amazing what you notice. I have walked this same trail for years, and just happened to notice this tire chilling in a log. It looks really old. I wonder how old?

(Picture 3) These are so pretty. I love pussy willows. They make really beautiful decorations!

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